Tuesday, August 17, 2010

church of light

The building that I choose is Church of light. Church of light,sometimes they call it as ' Church with Light'. It is the Ibraraki Kasugaoka Church's main chapel. It was built in 1989 and it is located in the city of Ibraki, Osaka Prefecture. This building is built by a famous japanese architect, Tadao Ando. The church is a small structure on the corner of two streets at Ibraraki, a residential neighborhood. It is located 25km north-northeast of Osaka in the western foothills of the Yodo valley railway corridor. The church's size is roughly 113 m² which is about the size of a small house. The church consist of three 5.9m concrete cubes penetrated by a wall angled at 15°, dividing the cube into chapel and entrance. One of the most interesting and attractive part of the church is a big cruciform is cut into the concrete wall that behind the altar. This cruciform will direct the sunlight into the interior during morning as in this facade is facing to the east where the sunrise occur. The cruciform cut into the concrete wall that extends vertically from the floor to the ceiling and horizontally from the wall to the other end of the wall. In 1999, the church was extended with the addition of a Sunday school. The Sunday school has a double height spacing that contain of a small kitchen, bench and the table which are used for congregation gatherings. It took more than two years to complete. The delay in completing the work was due to problems in raising the necessary funds. Initially it was feared that it would cost more than the budget and Ando even considered building it without a roof, but the construction firm donated the roof and this became unnecessary.

The church is rested on a green landscape. The church is surrounded by green vegetation. For the exterior construction of the church, the material used is concrete with its original color. I feel that the church is fix and rest in the green landscape harmoniously. This is because Ando uses the most original state of the material without any painting. I feel like the building is not purposely build in the site but it is like blend with the surrounding. From the sight, it please our eyes. We can see that the church with the gray color is actually match with the color of green. Besides, we can also smell the natural environment that gives us the fresh smell. The smell is pure and new when the church is standing on the green site. The natural environment enable us to hear the silent and aesthetic of the nature. In the natural environment, we can just hear the sound of wind, the sound of bird. And it is not polluted by the noise of traffic, the noise when the construction of building. This kind of silent let us feel that the church is rest individually on a peaceful place. This gives the sense of safety and protection. I feel like I will feel very comfortable and harmony when I am in the site and it gives the feel of staying away from the stressful city life. The reasons I say it is away from the city is because the building is located at the two street with the green surrounding. The trees seem like dividing the city and natural surrounding.

Now I would like to talk about the exterior of the church. From the sight, you can see that the concrete wall of the church is solid, massive and permanent. From that you can see the stability of the church. You can feel that the church is safely and strongly anchor to the site. You can feel like the place is actually protecting something important inside. The strong wall is not easily collapse and is able to protect everything when there is problems or disaster happen. Furthermore, you can see that the whole building has no openings. It reflects that the building is actually massive and it is alone and cold. From the outside, you cannot see the interior of the church. It emphasize the importance of the interior. You can feel like the interior is sacred and it is private,which mean that it is not for stranger just simply look into it. For the touch, u can feel that the wall is actually smooth. The smooth surface enable us to feel like the church is actually pure and clean. It is not polluted by anything. It symbolize that the violence of human being will never pollute the sacred of the goddess. This can also enable the human to know their mistake and correct themselves in the church. From the exterior, you can also see a big cruciform opening at the facade that facing east. There is the only opening that enable us to look into the church. However, the opening is thin and we cannot see the church totally. Generally, the church is well protected from the exterior. Although the church is just a size of a small house, but u can feel like the church is actually big. The reason is the thick and massive wall. This kind of feeling will cause people to have a grand and respectful feeling. The color of gray is dull. This reflect the coldness of human being. Human being is cruel. They do a lot of things which brings many bad impact to the environment. For example, due to the industrialization, human being actually clear off the habitat of animal which is the forest. It not only destroy the green environment and it also destroy the home for the animal. It will kill the animal and cause them to extinct. Besides that, human is cruel because they like to have war. Therefore, the god is here to correct the cruel characteristic of human and there is a place for them to teach the human being is church by the priest. Moreover, the building have a rectangular form. The communal church consists of two rectangular volumes that are both cut at 15 degree angles by free standing walls. One indirectly enter the church by slipping between the two volumes, one that contains the Sunday school and the other that contains the worship hall.

Lastly, I will like to talk about the interior part of the building and this is the most interesting part of the building. The space of the chapel is defined by light, by the strong contrast between light and shade. This effect is done perfectly by the cruciform opening which situated behind the altar. It directs the sunlight into the interior in the morning because of the east facing. From this cruciform shape an abstract and universal light seems to be floating on the concrete wall, its rays extending and receding over time with the movement of sun. this mean that the light that are directed into the interior will extend longer and longer ass the time pass. When there is evening, the light will getting weaker. The cruciform is actually the spirit of the whole church. The walls are made up of gray concrete material, and the space inside is big and empty. The wall s are solid and there are no openings at all. So the space inside is actually dark. It gives the feeling of coldness and fear. This reflects the violence and cruel of the human. It is totally the darkness of human being. It shows no hope and disappointment of human being. However the existence of the cruciform opening of the church has changed everything. It seems like it is the light against the dark surfaces and the voids create architecture. Here it is how important the light effect makes the building as it is a scared place. In the chapel light enters from behind the altar, from a cruciform cut in the concrete wall that extends vertically from floor to ceiling and horizontally from wall to wall, aligning perfectly with the joints in the concrete. This defines a hope is given by the god to the helpless human being. The light is like a hope and power given by the god to save the cruel human being. As the light coming from the exterior and light up the whole interior, people may feel no fear because they will like have a direction. The light seem like leading them to the right direction without lost. Besides that, the color of the wall give the feeling of coldness. You can feel the interior is cold and alone. But the sunlight enter the interior somehow bring some heat. This enable us to feel the warm of the god power while we are living in the cold and cruel world. Light is also permitted to seep into the interior from the slicing of the volume by the freestanding concrete wall. The darkness of the chapel is further accentuated by the dark and rough-textured wood of the floor planks and the pews which are built out of reused wood used during construction as scaffolding. In contrast to the darkness of the chapel the interior of the Sunday school is built of lighter colored wood with a smooth surface. The volume containing the Sunday school also has light that penetrates the space through the slicing of the volume by the freestanding concrete wall. The space comes alive not only with ever changing light but also through the voices of children singing, sounds of the piano, adults enjoying a meal of soba noodles after Sunday worship and laughter.

References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_the_Light

Monday, August 9, 2010


Kellie's castle is located at batu gajah. It is built using brick masonry. The construction is incomplete. The architect is William Kellie Smith from Scotland. He built the castle is for his wife as a gift. All the construction materials like bricks and tiles are imported from India. The only access id from the main road through a bridge. There is a elevator in the castle. This is the first elevator in Malaysia. There are two tunnels in the castle, one of the tunnel links to the Hindu temple. On second floor, Kellie plans to have a indoor tennis court. On the highest floor, there is a rooftop courtyard for parties. Besides that, there is a underground basement for the storing of wine. Unfortunately the castle is not completed because of the dead of Kellie.

There are some parts of the castle that i feel is interesting.

The first interesting part that i feel it is interesting is the openings of the castle. It is not the common doors that we can found in our house. It is actually a squarish frame door with a circle openings on top of the door. It is not only for aesthetic purpose,but it is also for better ventilation purpose.

the second interesting parts of the castle is the interior arch. It is not the common arch which is semicircular in shapes, but it is lower. The advantage is it will save the space but it will also give the same support as the semicircular arch.

This is the small openings that located at the first floor. I believed that this openings is for the cross ventilation. Moreover,it also direct the natural lighting into the interior. This small openings blocks direct sunlight and it does not increase the temperature of the interior space.

This opening which is located at the staircase is also interesting. It is a picture window. This window gives a nice view from the interior. From the window, you can see the nice green scenery. Furthermore, it will direct sunlight to the staircase too.

This is the rooftop courtyard on the top floor. It provides a large space for the activities. It can provides a whole views to the exterior.

This is the sketch by me. It is actually incomplete. At the left side of the castle,it is actually built until the second floor. Then in my sketch, i show that it is actually completed with third and fourth floor.

At last, i will like to tell u what i feel toward this castle. From outside,i feel that this castle gives me the grand feeling. But once i stepped in to the castle, it has only small spaces. The whole building is solid and strong. It gives the lonely feeling. I feels like the building is cold and lonely. It is like stands at itself on a forest landscape. It seems mix with the natural surrounding. The wall with exposed brick masonry gives us the feeling of natural. The brown wall is mixing harmony with the surrounding. Although there are less openings, but they able to direct sunlight from the exterior within the building. As the conclusion, i feel like the building has a strong and grand exterior but inside is lonely and cold. This may be is the expression of William Kellie,he looks like a great man but he is lonely hearted.

Monday, July 19, 2010

hear,see,smell,touch and feel

We use our senses daily to hear, see, smell, touch and feel. Therefore it is important that v could stay in a building which can stimulate all of our senses. According to the passage, the natural material such as stone, brick and wood will stimulate our senses. However, buildings nowadays use man-made materials which are considered as ‘soulless’.
For the sense of hearing, I have a good experience when I stay in my old house. Because I stay in a old house, so the roof system is a bit distorted. Hence, during rainy day, the rain water will be leaking into my house through the roof. Then I will always bring a pail to fill the rain water. The sound of rain drop hits the pail will create a clear sound. This sound is nice to be heard. Beside, that rain water which hits my roof also creates some kind of sound. This sound let me feel comfortable and harmony. So, I could actually fall into sleep when listening this sound. I think that sound made by water bring harmony feeling to people.
For the sense of see, we must have pleasing sight when we stay in the building. From my opinion, I think that natural will actually please our sight. For example, if we should relate our building to the natural surroundings. Outside our building, we must have vegetation because our eye is comfortable with the green element. Furthermore, the sunlight may give a aesthetic effect to us. Therefore, opening is important in a building. This is because there is the element which brings the natural light from outside to our interior space of the building. From my experience, there is a skylight in my dining room. And I like to do my studies on the table which is just right under the skylight. This is because it gives sufficient of light for me to study.
For the sense of smell, we can actually smell the air. There is some plants in my rooms. Every morning when I wake up, I enjoy those smelling. Although it is not obvious smelling, but you feel that the air is very fresh and can refresh your mind. But this feeling of smelling is lost when I shift to my KL house. May be there is no plant around my room, I feel that the smell is so dull and dense. Every time I will feel like I very hard to wake up and get not enough sleep even I slept for 8 hours.
For the sense of touch, the texture of material will gives us the feeling. For example, there is a material that looks like it is rough by its pattern and colors, although it is not really rough. This kind of material does not really give us that kind of feeling strongly. But, if the material can give us the rough surface and we can really touch it with our hand and feel the texture, we sure will have a different feeling from the material that just look rough.
For the sense of feel, it is really important. I will always feel comfortable when I can feel the air flow in a building. Since I was young, I stay in a house which is without aircond. Although there is no aircond in my room, but I will always feel cold when I open the windows. I enjoy the ventilation flow around my room. I will feel like the whole building is actually living and it is not dead. I have the feel of live with the natural. However, nowadays building will have air cond. Although it will cool the building but it make like the air within the room is stuck and not flowing. This will give a feel of bored and dull. People will feel sleepy easily.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Film preview

In 2054, there is a police force called 'precrime' in Washington. The leader of the force is John Anderton. There are three dead human which known as ' precogs ' are working in the precrime force. They can view murders in the future with their 'future sight'. Therefore the cops can go to the future to stop the murders. One day, the leader, John Anderton is set up by Danny Witwer. The precogs view that John Anderton kills a man named Leo Crow. Therefore John has to go to the future and find for the truth.

The impressive of this movie is the storyline is very interesting. The story is very mystery and this kind of story is not exist in our real life. So it can attract audience's attention. The story makes us can actually get into this story and want to know the ending of the story. Besides that, the technology and modern architecture also catch our attention. Those technologies in the movie are so amazing and allow us to watch the aesthetic of the modern building. The unimpressive part of the movie is too hard to understand. We have to focus and pay all of our attention in the movie. Once we miss one part of the movie, we may be lost and do not understand the story of the movie. The key scene of the movie that think is the scene when the main character, John Anderton is finding the truth in the future.

There is a strong relationship between the context displayed and the story. Because the story is happen in 2054, so the architecture and technology have to be modern and outstanding. This is because it happen in the future, hence the building inside have been improved into the other stage. The building has to look totally different from current building. Besides that, the technology has to be high enough in the story. This is because the precrime is actually doing the impossible mission in real life. With the technnology currently, we are impossible to get into future life. But in the story, the polices can ride in a high technology transport to get into the future. In my opinion, the architecture and technology is related to the story. It fits to the plot of story.

The message of the movie is it want to tell us that althought with the help of advance technology, we also cannot do murders. In the story, Danny witwer uses his intellegent and the advance of technology to set John up. Finally, John also can find the truth and he know that Danny has set him up. I think the message given out is very successfull in the movie. Danny finally get caught and commit suicide.

The movie gives us good impact for our design thinking. The architecture in the movie has given us many ideas. We can actually follow the concept of the buildings that in the movie. In the movie, i realise that the building combines both art and science. All the building inside have high technologies and functional design.
My name is Lai Pick Kae and I am twenty years old this year. I am now studying in architecture studies in UCSI University.
Since I was in 6 years old, my father bought me a new set of Lego. When I was first get into this toy, I was very interested on it. I will always stay in my room playing Lego every day. I will always construct many objects like aero planes, cars, buildings and so on. Playing Lego causes me to think creatively and cause me to get interested to the 3D objects. Besides that, when I was in primary, I like drawing very much. I will feel interested when I was given an empty paper because I can start drawing what I want in the paper.
Why I will choose architecture field? Well, the first reason is I do not like to do things by memorizing all those theories. And some more I do not like to face the books with tones of notes. I like to design things and I like art. Moreover, I like 3D objects very much especially buildings. Besides, I like mathematics and physics during my secondary. Therefore, I believe that architecture combine both arts and calculations. The other reason is I believe that architecture is a good career for my future and I could earn money for my life.
The best experience in studying architecture is I can design many things by my creativity. I have learned better drawing skills and I can understand more about design from my lecturers. From that, I realize that to design something, I cannot just design by only one day, it has to be a process and by ‘step by step’ to proceed to the final design. The worst experience is studying architecture makes me do not have sufficient time to do my hobby, basketball. This is because I have to really stick to my assignments and projects. Sometimes this even causes me to sacrifice my sleeping moment while I am rushing for my assignments. Last time I will have eight hours of sleeping period but now I just only have five or six hours of sleeping time.
One of my best habits is I will complete all of my assignments and submit them on time. I will do all those assignments that given out by lecturers by myself. Furthermore, I will get very serious in my works and make sure that I have really done a good job in my assignment. However, there is a bad habit throughout my studies, which is my time management is not very good. I always have to rush for my assignments during my sleepless night and I always do my works ‘last minutes’. Therefore i may be will make a timetable to arrange my time well.
Because architecture is a tough course, therefore sometimes I will think of giving up. So, what actually keeps me going? That is my family! They will always give me support while I feel tired. Hence, I will try all of my best and work hard in this field.