Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My name is Lai Pick Kae and I am twenty years old this year. I am now studying in architecture studies in UCSI University.
Since I was in 6 years old, my father bought me a new set of Lego. When I was first get into this toy, I was very interested on it. I will always stay in my room playing Lego every day. I will always construct many objects like aero planes, cars, buildings and so on. Playing Lego causes me to think creatively and cause me to get interested to the 3D objects. Besides that, when I was in primary, I like drawing very much. I will feel interested when I was given an empty paper because I can start drawing what I want in the paper.
Why I will choose architecture field? Well, the first reason is I do not like to do things by memorizing all those theories. And some more I do not like to face the books with tones of notes. I like to design things and I like art. Moreover, I like 3D objects very much especially buildings. Besides, I like mathematics and physics during my secondary. Therefore, I believe that architecture combine both arts and calculations. The other reason is I believe that architecture is a good career for my future and I could earn money for my life.
The best experience in studying architecture is I can design many things by my creativity. I have learned better drawing skills and I can understand more about design from my lecturers. From that, I realize that to design something, I cannot just design by only one day, it has to be a process and by ‘step by step’ to proceed to the final design. The worst experience is studying architecture makes me do not have sufficient time to do my hobby, basketball. This is because I have to really stick to my assignments and projects. Sometimes this even causes me to sacrifice my sleeping moment while I am rushing for my assignments. Last time I will have eight hours of sleeping period but now I just only have five or six hours of sleeping time.
One of my best habits is I will complete all of my assignments and submit them on time. I will do all those assignments that given out by lecturers by myself. Furthermore, I will get very serious in my works and make sure that I have really done a good job in my assignment. However, there is a bad habit throughout my studies, which is my time management is not very good. I always have to rush for my assignments during my sleepless night and I always do my works ‘last minutes’. Therefore i may be will make a timetable to arrange my time well.
Because architecture is a tough course, therefore sometimes I will think of giving up. So, what actually keeps me going? That is my family! They will always give me support while I feel tired. Hence, I will try all of my best and work hard in this field.

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