Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Film preview

In 2054, there is a police force called 'precrime' in Washington. The leader of the force is John Anderton. There are three dead human which known as ' precogs ' are working in the precrime force. They can view murders in the future with their 'future sight'. Therefore the cops can go to the future to stop the murders. One day, the leader, John Anderton is set up by Danny Witwer. The precogs view that John Anderton kills a man named Leo Crow. Therefore John has to go to the future and find for the truth.

The impressive of this movie is the storyline is very interesting. The story is very mystery and this kind of story is not exist in our real life. So it can attract audience's attention. The story makes us can actually get into this story and want to know the ending of the story. Besides that, the technology and modern architecture also catch our attention. Those technologies in the movie are so amazing and allow us to watch the aesthetic of the modern building. The unimpressive part of the movie is too hard to understand. We have to focus and pay all of our attention in the movie. Once we miss one part of the movie, we may be lost and do not understand the story of the movie. The key scene of the movie that think is the scene when the main character, John Anderton is finding the truth in the future.

There is a strong relationship between the context displayed and the story. Because the story is happen in 2054, so the architecture and technology have to be modern and outstanding. This is because it happen in the future, hence the building inside have been improved into the other stage. The building has to look totally different from current building. Besides that, the technology has to be high enough in the story. This is because the precrime is actually doing the impossible mission in real life. With the technnology currently, we are impossible to get into future life. But in the story, the polices can ride in a high technology transport to get into the future. In my opinion, the architecture and technology is related to the story. It fits to the plot of story.

The message of the movie is it want to tell us that althought with the help of advance technology, we also cannot do murders. In the story, Danny witwer uses his intellegent and the advance of technology to set John up. Finally, John also can find the truth and he know that Danny has set him up. I think the message given out is very successfull in the movie. Danny finally get caught and commit suicide.

The movie gives us good impact for our design thinking. The architecture in the movie has given us many ideas. We can actually follow the concept of the buildings that in the movie. In the movie, i realise that the building combines both art and science. All the building inside have high technologies and functional design.

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