Monday, August 9, 2010


Kellie's castle is located at batu gajah. It is built using brick masonry. The construction is incomplete. The architect is William Kellie Smith from Scotland. He built the castle is for his wife as a gift. All the construction materials like bricks and tiles are imported from India. The only access id from the main road through a bridge. There is a elevator in the castle. This is the first elevator in Malaysia. There are two tunnels in the castle, one of the tunnel links to the Hindu temple. On second floor, Kellie plans to have a indoor tennis court. On the highest floor, there is a rooftop courtyard for parties. Besides that, there is a underground basement for the storing of wine. Unfortunately the castle is not completed because of the dead of Kellie.

There are some parts of the castle that i feel is interesting.

The first interesting part that i feel it is interesting is the openings of the castle. It is not the common doors that we can found in our house. It is actually a squarish frame door with a circle openings on top of the door. It is not only for aesthetic purpose,but it is also for better ventilation purpose.

the second interesting parts of the castle is the interior arch. It is not the common arch which is semicircular in shapes, but it is lower. The advantage is it will save the space but it will also give the same support as the semicircular arch.

This is the small openings that located at the first floor. I believed that this openings is for the cross ventilation. Moreover,it also direct the natural lighting into the interior. This small openings blocks direct sunlight and it does not increase the temperature of the interior space.

This opening which is located at the staircase is also interesting. It is a picture window. This window gives a nice view from the interior. From the window, you can see the nice green scenery. Furthermore, it will direct sunlight to the staircase too.

This is the rooftop courtyard on the top floor. It provides a large space for the activities. It can provides a whole views to the exterior.

This is the sketch by me. It is actually incomplete. At the left side of the castle,it is actually built until the second floor. Then in my sketch, i show that it is actually completed with third and fourth floor.

At last, i will like to tell u what i feel toward this castle. From outside,i feel that this castle gives me the grand feeling. But once i stepped in to the castle, it has only small spaces. The whole building is solid and strong. It gives the lonely feeling. I feels like the building is cold and lonely. It is like stands at itself on a forest landscape. It seems mix with the natural surrounding. The wall with exposed brick masonry gives us the feeling of natural. The brown wall is mixing harmony with the surrounding. Although there are less openings, but they able to direct sunlight from the exterior within the building. As the conclusion, i feel like the building has a strong and grand exterior but inside is lonely and cold. This may be is the expression of William Kellie,he looks like a great man but he is lonely hearted.

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